Swiss Social & Sports Club Cape Town since 1923

Jonkershoek (nähe Stellenbosch)
Lage- und Anfahrtsplan
Phone: +27 (0)21 434 84 05
eMail   I   Website

Die Club Anlage befindet sich im wunderschönen Jonkershoek-Tal (in der Nähe von Stellenbosch), das Teil des Weltkulturerbes ist.
Auch Nicht-Clubmitgliede sind gegen eine kleine Eintritts Gebühr herzlich willkommen. Der ideale Ort zum Netzwerken. Fixe Aktivitäten werden unten laufend aufgeschaltet.
Campieren ist ebenfalls möglich aber nur gegen Voranmeldung eMail

Haben Sie Fragen nehmen Sie mit dem Club Präsidenten Kontakt auf:
Christian Schiess +27 (0)79 088 8233 or send an eMail

Haben Sie Fragen nehmen Sie mit dem Club Präsidenten Kontakt auf:
Christian Schiess +27 (0)79 088 8233 or send an eMail

Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Summer Edition 2023/2024
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Summer Edition 2023
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Winter Edition 2023
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Summer Edition 2021/2022
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Spring Edition 2022
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Winter Edition 2022
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sport Club Summer Edition 2021-2022
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club Dezember 2019/Januar 2020
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club Oktober/November 2019
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club August/September 2019
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club December 2018/January 2019
Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club October/November 2018

Newsletter Swiss Social & Sports Club June/July 2018

Spannenden Eventdaten im 2024

Saturday, 10. February
ab 11:00 Uhr
Waldfest in Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, Stellenbosch
Sunday, 31. March
ab 11:00 Uhr
Easter Bunny Sunday, in Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, Stellenbosch
Saturday, 22. June
11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Fondue at Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, Stellenbosch
Saturday, 03. August
ab 11:00 Uhr
Swiss National Day (1. August)
Saturday, 26. October 2023 Opening of Camping Season, Jonkershoek Nature Res. Stellenbosch
Saturday, 07. December
ab 11:00 Uhr
Samichlaus, in Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, Stellenbosch

Der Präsident Christian schreibt in seinem News eMail vom 24. Dezember 2022

Dear Club Members
Completing our first year without a venue in or near the City Bowl, we look back at a very interesting but rewarding Swiss Club year, rich in experience for us and our members.

Firstly, and I cannot say it often enough, without everyone who contributed making our Jonkershoek gem look like it does today – this transition would not have been as easy as it was. Your sweat, time and effort, financially or physically, should and is appreciated by the whole Swiss community in Cape Town and beyond. We receive compliment after compliment about how good our chalet, campsite and other facilities look and are being kept. This is all YOUR doing and we thank you!

I sincerely hope we can pay homage to all those helpers and supporters soon.

Regrettably we will have to skip a New Years Brunch this year due to some organisational constraints but we will sure be back next year.

And this leaves not much more to say other than THANK YOU for your continuous support of our Club and your interest in the Swiss Social Community in Cape Town. I wish you and all your loved ones a very enjoyable and safe holiday season and a great start into the New Year! May the lights be on and the fun be with you!

Much love on behalf of the whole club committee to all of you!

Christian, President